Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is a good unique superhero not like batman or superman but something unique?

I have senior spirit week this week and I don't now what to be for superhero day it's coming soon so please answer back asapWhat is a good unique superhero not like batman or superman but something unique?If you wanna go international, you be Naruto, he's pretty cool, or maybe Kakashi, which ever you like better. Kakashi's more layed-back, and Naruto's more ecstatic. Which ever you like.What is a good unique superhero not like batman or superman but something unique?
Super Girl, that would be good school spirit (especially for boys)

Okay seriously, you should dress up as Dare Devil, Robin, Beast Boy, teen titans ect., Crimson Chin (Just Joking), or Mr. Incredible. Some were just jokes but it would be tight if you were Robin or one of the Incredibles.What is a good unique superhero not like batman or superman but something unique?Dr. Strange, Ibis the Invincible, one of the Magician superheroes?

Or maybe Namor the first the Sub-Mariner?What is a good unique superhero not like batman or superman but something unique?

Green Lantern

The FlashWhat is a good unique superhero not like batman or superman but something unique?"Darkman"

Look up the film by Sam Raimi...not exactly a nice guy...What is a good unique superhero not like batman or superman but something unique?
u i kno u can be static shock.

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