Monday, January 30, 2012

What does a dream about having sex with a robot w/ a superman tatoo on his stomache mean?

Monday afternoon my fiance and I were napping together. I slept really hard and I dreamed that my fiance was replaced by a robot. Then I watched my fiance get a tattoo. Later I had sex with "the robot version of him" while there were 2 people watching. What could this mean?What does a dream about having sex with a robot w/ a superman tatoo on his stomache mean?The fiance is not really a robot, he's a slave clone. A clone and a robot are not really living beings, thus they are demoted to a lower strata of being. Your dream is about the sexual power you exert as a real being over those "not as human", i.e., not as overtly sexual. This emphasis on the mastery of others through sex is underscored by the "seeing" of the superman tatoo. Spectators of the affair are your potential slaves; your sexuality is quite ambitious!What does a dream about having sex with a robot w/ a superman tatoo on his stomache mean?
sex is gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo�?

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What does a dream about having sex with a robot w/ a superman tatoo on his stomache mean?Translation: you are an in-the-closet robo-slut. Nuff said. I fear being in your fiances shoes decades from now when robots take over the world.

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I read a book before saying that if you dream about having sex with other people, including a robot (not your partner) that means you feel that your sex life is dull and you wish to have some kind of different in your sex life. And if there are people watching, that usually means that you really wanted to do something but are afraid of what other people will think about it.What does a dream about having sex with a robot w/ a superman tatoo on his stomache mean?Could mean a bunch of's my take:

Your fiance turned into a robot-- this is how your subconscious views him. Bland. Maybe the every man. But not every man....he's very special to you. Even though he may not have the best sense of humor, or the best fadeaway jumpshot or (insert something exciting),he can still protect you and provide you with security(the superman part).

You doing him while other people are watching is your desire to be a little more adventurous with him, at least in the bedroom.What does a dream about having sex with a robot w/ a superman tatoo on his stomache mean?
Huh, let me think about this one . . . yes, you think you can use your boyfriend as a super robot.
tell your boyfriend to get the tattoo, he will have an alter-ego, during that special time. Are you to get a tattoo also? Maybe the two people are yourselves wathcing each other alter-ego?What does a dream about having sex with a robot w/ a superman tatoo on his stomache mean?
maybe it means that you're really into some kinky stuff.

No but seriously some dreams are just random things stocked in your memory. It probably means nothing. The robot is hard to figure out... Did u watch some sci-fi movie before going to bed???
are you satisfied in the sack? Do you use a vibrator? It may represent that you are very much in love with your husband, but when you have sex, you are wanting more and he is not able to help so you turn to a vibrator or have thought of doing that in the real world.

The superman is the man of steel and the tattoo on his stomach makes you think of him that way since he is now a robot.
you probably think of him as a tough (tattoo) and strong (robot).

you may look up to him and feel like everyone else is jealous or desires the same thing you have. (therefore ppl watching u)

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