Wednesday, February 15, 2012


WHO WILL WIN WITH THE GUEST REFEREE Mr McMAHON?GOKU and UNDERTAKER vs SUPERMAN and FRIEZA vs VEGETA and BATMAN vs PICCOLO and SPIDERMAN?The Real Fight I see is between Goku and The Undertaker Vs Vegeta and Batman. Why? Because Superman and Spiderman are SO pussy whipped. The Word's out that Mary Jane and Lois Lane are in Peril is Bye bye Supes and Spidey. and Of course that leaves Frieza and Piccolo alone in The Ring against two super sayjian. The Immanent Battle between Batman and The Undertaker (My Favorite Superhero and My favorite Wrestler So its really hard to choose) Now The Training Batman Has in world Wide Known, But If You see the Training The Undertaker has (Boxing, Grecoroman Wrestling, and Many more). You'll see that It will be a four fisted explosion of Awesome. I see That Vince tries to screw The Undertaker but he will be beaten and replaced, But Batman would ultimately win, With The Undertaker giving a Hell of a fight, and Goku Vs Vegita, I think that Goku would win. Why because he trained so much while Vegita was living a normal life in DBGT that I think Goku would be more ready.GOKU and UNDERTAKER vs SUPERMAN and FRIEZA vs VEGETA and BATMAN vs PICCOLO and SPIDERMAN?
rofl, seeing as the quest referee will be mr.mcmahon, then undertakers team wont go with superman and friezaGOKU and UNDERTAKER vs SUPERMAN and FRIEZA vs VEGETA and BATMAN vs PICCOLO and SPIDERMAN?Anyone that is with Vegeta. LONG LIVE VEGETA. Also, get a life dude.GOKU and UNDERTAKER vs SUPERMAN and FRIEZA vs VEGETA and BATMAN vs PICCOLO and SPIDERMAN?
undertaker winsGOKU and UNDERTAKER vs SUPERMAN and FRIEZA vs VEGETA and BATMAN vs PICCOLO and SPIDERMAN?of course if superman no man can kill him or beat him the guy is bullet proof and the powers these guys have no way superman will loseGOKU and UNDERTAKER vs SUPERMAN and FRIEZA vs VEGETA and BATMAN vs PICCOLO and SPIDERMAN?
LOL Dragonball Z someone after my own heart lol

I gotta give this one to the soft hearted sayjian Goku
Chuck Norris via NUCLEAR Roundhouse Kick!

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