Considering that he died on the cross.If Jesus comes back and someone showed him a CROSS, would that make him weak, like a kryptonite to Superman?Oh yes, absolutely.
Just like showing you a book would make you weak, since you are obviously intellectually challenged...If Jesus comes back and someone showed him a CROSS, would that make him weak, like a kryptonite to Superman?
noIf Jesus comes back and someone showed him a CROSS, would that make him weak, like a kryptonite to Superman?A death that He could have easily avoided had He chosen to do so. A death from which he was resurrected.
C'mon. You aren't * really * that dense, are you?
Well, if you dropped an 800-pound titanium cross from fifty feet in the air on him...If Jesus comes back and someone showed him a CROSS, would that make him weak, like a kryptonite to Superman?Your 'if' is an obsolete word. He WILL return and the cross cannot harm Him again.If Jesus comes back and someone showed him a CROSS, would that make him weak, like a kryptonite to Superman?
only if he came back a vampire.
You need to lay of the video games a little.
I think that he would stay as far as possible from anyone who had a cross.
The whole cross idea sounds like an insult to Jesus to me.
Love and blessings DonIf Jesus comes back and someone showed him a CROSS, would that make him weak, like a kryptonite to Superman?
No, the cross makes the devil weak because that's what Jesus used to defeat him. Is this a serious question? I suspect not.
Since Jesus is not coming back who knows? More likely if Jesus saw a cross he would go and kick it.
Most likely!
This must be the reason why...
The Gospels were written many years after the events are alleged to have taken place and mostly by people who have never seen Jesus personally. They tell us that while Jesus was teaching his last lesson he was getting so unstable that he lost track of the questions that his Holy Apostles were asking him.
John 13:36 (NIV) Simon Peter asked him, "Lord, where are you going?"
John 14:5 (NIV) Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know THE WAY?"
He didn��t answer any of them! After over 3 years of following Jesus they should have known that he is ��THE WAY!��
At the end of his last class Jesus is complaining that nobody is asking him where he is going!
John 16:5 (NIV) Now I am going to him who sent me, YET NONE OF YOU ASKS ME, ��Where are you going?��* (*At this point Saint Peter and Saint Thomas started to bang their head against the wall.).
If God the Son Jesus Christ ever existed he was very depressed about the idea of getting crucified that he couldn��t remember anything anymore. If the Bible writers ever imagined how far any Muslim would go on a bombing mission for Allah they would write a different story about Jesus!
Jesus went as far as to consult with the DEAD about his last trip to Jerusalem before he got nailed to the Holy Cross!
Luke 9:30-31 (KJV) And, behold, there talked with him two men, which were Moses and Elias: Who appeared in glory, and spake of his decease which he should accomplish at Jerusalem.
Unlike the fearless Muslim bombers Jesus goes to the Garden of Gethsemane SWEATING BLOOD in a horrifying fear of death! He kept asking his sleepy Holy Apostles to PRAY FOR HIM! He was in need of a comforter, but his Holy Trinity buddy God the Holy Spook, aka ��Another Comforter�� was nowhere to be found so an angel, a creature that he is alleged to have created was thoughtful enough to show up with a box of napkins (Luk 22:43). The Preachers are covering up the fact that Jesus was yellow-bellying at the idea of getting nailed to any Cross no matter how Holy!
Luke 22:44 (KJV) And being in anguish* (*this queer BIBLE GOD IS IN ANGUISH!), he prayed more earnestly, AND HIS SWEAT WAS LIKE DROPS OF BLOOD FALLING TO THE GROUND.
It was a pitch dark night. Somebody must have seen Jesus�� bloody sweat drops and made an entry in the Bible!
Jesus started to sweat blood BEFORE his arrest and before getting nailed to the Holy Cross, but when he got crucified he hardly bled or suffered at all! He was VERY BUSY chatting with almost everybody around�� because ��HE WAS GOD!��
Hebrews 5:7-8 (NIV) During the days of Jesus' life on earth, HE OFFERED UP PRAYERS AND PETITIONS WITH LOUD CRIES AND TEARS TO THE ONE WHO COULD SAVE HIM FROM DEATH, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. ALTHOUGH HE WAS A SON, HE LEARNED OBEDIENCE* (*The Muslim terrorists die laughing at this whole story!).
God the Father taught his ONLY Son Jesus Christ a lesson ON OBEDIENCE just for the heck of it because ��it pleased God�� (aka TRINITY JESUS?) FROM WHAT HE SUFFERED! The dysfunctional sadomasochistic orientation of the Bible writers is very obvious here! The God that they put together already set up for God the Son Jesus Christ to die NAILED TO A HOLY CROSS ��BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD.�� Jesus claimed to go by the Bible writers�� script! The whole story is very primitive and will work until our minds evolve out of religion and into full common sense base on reality, but religion MARKETING is one of the biggest and most respected business in the World today!
1 Peter 1:19-20 (KJV) But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot* (*but full of Roman soldiers�� spit!): who verily was foreordained before* (*read it again! ��WHO VERILY WAS FOREORDAINED BEFORE��) the foundation of the world!
Hebrews 10:7 (KJV) Then said I* (*Jesus Christ!), Lo, I come in the volume of the book it is written of me, to do thy will, O God.* (*Jesus is recognizing a higher God authority than himself and that he is following the script in a book, but he is still dead scared to be nailed to the latest model of a Holy Cross that the Roman soldiers had already set up for him, with a foot rest and everything!)
One of the most embarrassing prophecies hardly discussed about Jesus is that he had to learn OBEDIENCE! He had to learn how to distinguish right from wrong, AND THE HOLY CROSS WAS SET UP TO DO THE TRICK FOR HIM! Christians ought to know that brainwashing is for real!
Isaiah 7:14-16 (NIV) Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. He will eat curds and honey WHEN HE KNOWS ENOUGH TO REJECT THE WRONG AND CHOOSE THE RIGHT. BUT BEFORE THE BOY KNOWS ENOUGH TO REJECT THE WRONG AND CHOOSE THE RIGHT, the land of the two kings you dread will be laid waste.
No intelligent person can see any connection of this ��child�� in Isaiah with ��Jesus�� in the NT, but the Early Church Fathers managed to make the Christians believe that there is one.
Jesus�� flesh is beaten to a pulp thoroughly tenderized and heavily marinated in Roman soldiers�� spit in preparation for hanging totally naked from a Holy Cross as the ��spotless Lamb of God taking away the sins of the world!�� There is no historical record that the Roman soldiers ever dressed their victim��s genital area in a white diaper before hanging them on any Cross like portrayed in religious images. The next time that a sweet Catholic lady prays before a crucifix they ought to know that the diaper IS NOT there. They can fantasize all they want without ��sinning!��
The Romans were known to IMPALE their victims driving a thick pole into their rectum and making them stand up on it WITHOUT ANY FOOT REST until the pole would eventually pierce the heart or lung killing the victims by their own body weight! In reality, they had more fun impaling their victims than spending a lot of money and effort manufacturing artistic crosses and especially nails to hang common thieves.
Jesus hardly suffered a queer��s death nailed to a fancy Holy Cross. It is a SCIENTIFIC FACT rejected by brainwashed Christians that no human being can possibly hang their whole body weight on any cross any length of time nailed only by the hands without additional clamps or ropes like you see in so many movies today. The claim that Jesus conducted a long heated conversation with his peers on the other 2 crosses, with the guests watching the crucifixion and with the Roman soldiers is only a religious fantasy to add some drama to whole crucifixion story!
The Bible writers have Jesus sweating BLOOD begging his Boozer Father in Heaven ��to pass the cup!�� God the Father should have assigned a ��Guardian Angel�� to protect or at least to advice Eve in her quest for knowledge! It would have ��saved�� the WHOLE world that God loves so much (John 3:16) from going to Hell without having to slaughter any member of the Holy Trinity, but there would be no Clergy or Preachers today making a living on people��s religious gullibility!
BTW, Jesus was teaching everybody to carry their own cross and follow him, but on his way to the crucifixion site Jesus was NOT CARRYING HIS OWN CROSS AT ALL, Saint Simon did! All the religious images that you see of Jesus carrying the Holy Cross are deceiving ads to promote the masochistic orientation of the Christian religion!
Matthew 27:32 (NIV) As they were going out* (*to crucify Jesus), they met a man from Cyrene, named Simon, and THEY FORCED HIM* (*he didn��t want to!) to carry the cross* (*the Roman soldiers must have respected some of Jesus ��Divine�� privileges!).
In spite of all of Jesus Christ��s alleged suffering for the ��original sin,�� and a promise to take one of the thieves nailed to a cross next to him to Paradise that same very day (Luk 23:43) Saint Paul comes along later on and ��finishes�� WHATEVER MASOCHISTIC PAIN JESUS STILL NEEDED TO GET IN HIS OWN FLESH for the sin of Eve in her quest for knowledge, so thousands of years later the Christian religion can still send Christians to ��Heaven�� when they die. BTW, Jesus didn��t go to any Paradise when he died, according to the Bible script he went to HELL! If there is an HONEST preacher reading this answer they ought to know that I am not joking or ranting.
Colossians 1:24 (NIV) Now I* (*Saint Paul) rejoice in what was suffered for you, and I FILL UP IN MY FLESH* (*Saint Paul��s own flesh!) WHAT IS STILL LACKING IN REGARD TO CHRIST'S AFFLICTIONS, for the sake of his body, which is the church* (*Jesus was goofing off on the Holy Cross chatting with everybody instead of suffering for the Sin of Eve in her quest for knowledge that made all humans to be sinners!).
The Bible writers are rewarding Saint Paul with the "STIGMATA"* (*the nail and spear scars of Jesus Christ crucified.) He was the first Catholic to get it. Most Protestants totally ignore because they don��t get it!
Galatians 6:17 (NIV) FINALLY, let no one cause me trouble, for I BEAR ON MY BODY THE MARKS OF JESUS. (��I lie not!�� �CSaint Paul claims that he was crucified with Jesus Christ and wants all Christians to feel that way, too!)
So much for the untold story on Christianity in the Bible
C S Lewis expands on the idea and shows why the non Christian really has no logical alternative but to accept that Jesus is God:
��I��m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don��t accept his claim to be God.�� That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic-on a level with the man who says he is a poached egg-or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God; or else a madman or something worse.
You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon; or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God. ��
He chose to die there. It was our fault anyway, literally. And stop being sarcastic about my life.
When Jesus comes back, He will take vengeance with flaming fire on all those who obey not the gospel. If you don't cling to the cross, you will be the weak and powerless one when He returns.
Good point, just that it is us, not Him who needs the cross.
No, the cross has served it's purpose where Jesus is concerned. That wooden cross that Jesus hanged on is what enabled Jesus to become a curse for us; (for it is written, "Cured is everyone who hangs on a tree") There is nothing in existence that can make Jesus weak.
its like a test to Jesus .calling can your remember how you die in your previous life .
He is laughing and saying that you can come down from your own CROSS now and keep ya mind on some of the fancy miracles rather than the death scene, or, he says he will make you build your own cross in the backyard and you can climb up onto it every day and take the sins of the world on your own back..."he is dying for a break" and thinks a holiday on cloud nine for an hour every afternoon will suit him fine...he also says it need not be too overly done or ornately designed and you do not even have to carve his name into it...just whack a couple of tree branches together and bind them with rope, and nine foot high is fine, so two foot of the upright can be below the earth to hold the structure may be as theatrical as you like in mocking the pain...
He thinks it is funny and you already have the hair style to pull it off!!!
Read Revelations. When Jesus comes back He will be very CROSS indeed.
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