Thursday, February 2, 2012

When Nietzche say "Man is a bridge to superman" - what place homosexuality?

'Man' is man/woman together for future - no man/woman equal no future - so homosexuality means side issue? What is relevance for homosexual? Ask twice for answers, thank you.When Nietzche say "Man is a bridge to superman" - what place homosexuality?Firstly - 'dedication to gender' I take to mean that they make a conscious decision to pursue that lifestyle, rather than it being forced on them by nature.

Secondly - as the other guy said - homosexuals are a genetic dead end, and thus can never become Nietszchean supermen - though they may feel they are.

I figured you meant Man as in Humanity, as in man/woman as the basic units of Humanity.When Nietzche say "Man is a bridge to superman" - what place homosexuality?
I dont think sexuality has anything to do with Nietzche's "ubermensch". It's more about evoloution of society and morality the way i see it. I guess homosexuals dont fit into evoloution for obvious reasons. I guess they doin society though, but i think by "man" he meant humanity. Remember there is evidence to suggest Nietzche was gay himself.When Nietzche say "Man is a bridge to superman" - what place homosexuality?Sven, you aren't suggesting that there is a "gay undercurrent" to Nietzsche, I hope.

I can't tell if your position on this things has some kind of homophobic undercurrent. I am getting kind of suspicious about this.

I want to know what he thinks of the "superwoman ... " Is there such a person? Can men and women be super together? I can see where this is going, and I am not sure what to make of it. Again, we are at some kind of crossroads, between Nietzsche the happy nihilist, and Nietzsche the tortured nihilist.

@ Grappler ... the point is, that Nietzsche has this unbalanced view of humanity. I don't think we are going to settle this debate tonight. Bottom line.When Nietzche say "Man is a bridge to superman" - what place homosexuality?
I think that for Nietzsche, homosexuality would be like the super-masculine, or maybe not. Somebody else probably knows the answer.

As I mentioned before ... I am interested in applying Nietzsche's philosophy to modern social movements, without attaching him to Nazism and fascism. Perhaps applied Nietzsche?When Nietzche say "Man is a bridge to superman" - what place homosexuality?You already asked this earlier today:;�?/a>

I will repeat my answer: Neitzsche doesn't deserve serious consideration.When Nietzche say "Man is a bridge to superman" - what place homosexuality?
I think that homosexuality has no place in these kinds of debates.
Sexual preference has nothing to do with ones "dedication" to their gender.

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